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Who We Serve

The women and youth in rural areas

Individualized farmer groups

The churches

The mosques




Government departments e.g. Forestry, Roads Authority

Revitalizing the beauty of farming while making northern Uganda a more food secure region, improving the quality of lives of our population especially in rural areas to reduce hunger and its associated burden and help create a healthier community by growing what we eat and eating what we grow within our environment.

About 50% or more of Ugandans live in extreme poverty and 65% world over. Day by day, majority of families in northern Uganda are being pushed into extreme poverty because of climate change, conflict, displacement, and lack of knowledge and skills, lack of capital etc. to engage into sustainable agricultural production that would have enhanced their living standards.

Wang Tic Agricultural Foundation have been following the agricultural reports generated since the year 2000 to date and have keenly been monitoring the efforts and impact of agricultural production on the rural poor communities in northern Uganda especially when peace returned after the LRA insurgency in the region.  We have engaged authorities from the village level LC1 to the sub county and then the district level so that the wave of agricultural production reaches all households in every district in the region. Distribution of free seeds and seedlings is due in the first season of 2025, around March – April and will continue to the second season of July-August in Otuke district where the pilot will start as we generate more seeds for other districts. We are handling both food crops and cash crops concurrently because we need food security and also income to farmers for sustainability.