Commercial farming Land
Food and nutrition security, cash crop production (Commercial farming).
Food and nutrition security, cash crop production (Commercial farming).
Our vision and commitment of transforming the subsistence agriculture into commercial farming (Money economy) through climate smart agricultural practices
Wang Tic Agricultural Foundation UG Ltd established in January 2024, started in the year 2012 as a farmer group (Wang Tic Farmers Group) but later grew bigger in number of members as majority of farmers started to join the group in the early 2018 unfortunately it was interrupted by the long covid 19 spellthat left many starvingand seeking government support for food to feed their families. The group suffered the covid 19 shocks and later in January, 2024, Wang Tic Agricultural Foundation UG Ltd was officially registered with Uganda Registration Services Bureau Registration number 80034192311948.
We have currently started with raising seeds for our seed bank (e.g. Simsim, Soya eans, Black beans, Sunflower, Vegetables seedlings, Coffee and Cocoa, fruit trees nd non-fruit trees seedlings) at our various demonstration gardens in Lira City nd Otuke District for distribution to farmers. Construction of farmer field school (at Barkeo village in Otuke district) is soon starting together with the construction of mega greenhouseswith capacity of 50,000 seedlings per greenhouse that will take care of seed germinations especially Coffee, ocoa and vegetables seedlings.
PEOPLE WE SERVEcommerical products
Slim Slim
Commerical Land
Distrubtion of seeding
To transform subsistence farming into commercial agriculture through promotion of sustainable food security and climate smart agriculture.
Transforming the subsistence agriculture into commercial farming (Money economy) through climate smart agricultural practices that considers the climate change effects and the environment within which we operate makes us more relevant and friendly to humanity.
P..O Box 207, Lira City
Kirombe West Cell, Adyel Ward, Stretcher Road, Lira City West.